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Black Dragon

NiranV Dean

Black Dragon, formerly known as Niran's Viewer is a Viewer created and designed to change the way you experience Second Life in a whole, starting by changing defaults, declining all sorts of bells and whistles no one needs, re-designing the User Interface and trying things other Viewers are too scared of. It's primary goal is to enhance and refine the visuals of Second Life as well as having unique design approaches and features.


The large number of graphics options exposed / added can be a little frightening to those not into graphics tweaking but again, there's no real need to play around with any youre not familiar with when adjusting settings.


The viewer includes further refinements to SL shadows, including an attempt to deal with a particular annoyance for photographers: disconnected shadows. That is, shadows which just fall short of actually visually connecting with the object casting them, and which at time no amount of jiggling with settings such as shadow quality and/or shadow bias can fix.

Main Features

Local Bitmaps 3.0. Chat Range Rings. Custom Animation Speeds. Pie Menus. Qarl's Aligning Tool. De-render. Restrained Love (a). Visual Finetunings. Godrays. Screen Space Reflections. Motion Blur. Exodus's Post Process Chain (Tone Mapping, Color Correction and Vignette). Many more.

Here you can download Black Dragon for Free